Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Its even sweeter when you just write,and feel the satisfaction of voicing your thoughts rather than locking them up inside and dying a freak. who needs a shrink when you can blog??
In other news, i'm dead scared,dreading tomorrow, for in the hands of my doctor, lies my entire future... its like waiting for circumcision... I can almost foresee the pain. My optimism escapes me at such moments. Sadly, today, the place that I house all my fears, the person who wins top prize for my confidante, is the most distant of all my friends. He isn't mine any more,and that is the sad truth.
I quote a true friend...'we win some,and we lose others'...
I'm hoping I won't lose myself.
'sorry is a what YOU SAY WHEN YOUR BOWL OF CEREALS HAS FALLEN NOT YOUR HEART...its high time we get a new word for this..how about move the hell on...no looking back?'
this caption has been added by a person who shares my sentiment on the matter only in a different regard. we were hurt in different ways.
So, I’m the 18 year old weirdo… Not your average teen: sitting around after a two hour class, enchanting my mates with tales of my encounters with boys or female gossip. Going for lunch in the afternoons at the latest joints, and giggling my free time away.
Instead, I am a grey- haired doctor’s patient, seated in the wards, with women twice my age. It isn’t my first time, and I shouldn’t be that shaken, but instead I am twice shy. Scared out of my skin. I keep telling myself that I know what to expect, but do I really?
Every experience has its perks, and as much as I am praying that it is my second and last time to have my chest torn apart, I am uncertain of the future.
I sit on my bed; outward invincible, inward destroyed. I guess we really don’t choose the when, where and the how… we only savor the liberty of selecting the who. I am me; no one else can be me. No one else can endure my pain.
The story that is my life.